Board of Directors and Staff
The Fairview Fire Protection District, Board of Directors is elected by the residents of Fairview, a California Special District. The Board is comprised of five Directors that must reside within the Fairview District. Any resident of the Fairview district can participate in meetings, activities and run for board seats during elections cycles or when a vacancy is created by a resignation.
Regular Board meetings are held every other month, typically on Monday evenings near the last Monday of the month. Please refer to the calendar page for board meetings, community meetings and events. The public’s attendance and participation is welcome.
Anyone attending a Fairview Fire Protection District board meeting wishing to speak on an item that appears on the agenda should fill out a speaker card. The President or board member leading the meeting will call your name when your agenda item is being considered. Please state your name for the record. Each speaker is allowed 3 minutes.
There is also a public comment period, which provides an opportunity for citizens to address the board on items not listed on the agenda. The board welcomes your comments under this section during the meeting, but is prohibited by State law from discussing items not on the agenda. You are welcome to write the board at least 1 week in advance of the next board meeting to suggest items for the next – scheduled agenda for board discussion and deliberation.
The board is governed by the Brown Act and Ethics training in conducting public meetings.