Serving the Fairview and Five Canyons Communities
The Fairview Fire Protection District serves a unique, suburban-rural community located in the wildland-urban interface between the San Francisco East Bay’s densely populated coastal communities and open space hills. As the only locally controlled and elected entity representing the District’s residents, the Fairview Fire Protection District Board seeks to be a leader in providing public safety and emergency services to the local community.
The Fairview Fire Protection District is an independent Special District, established under the Fire Protection District Law of 1987, Health and Safety Code, Section 13800, of the State of California. The District is governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors who serve staggered four-year terms. The District contracts with the City of Hayward Fire Department for fire and emergency services.
The District’s service area encompasses 4.2 square miles, comprising the Fairview and Five Canyons communities. The District serves approximately 14,653 residents and contains wildland areas, single-family homes, multi-family residential complexes, elementary schools, agricultural and equestrian areas.
The major revenue sources of the District are property taxes, a special tax for emergency medical services, and interest income. An annual audit provides a complete financial statement for the District.